Case Tolu ProNature
The goal of the campaign was to launch the Tolu ProNature product series. The target group was current users of Tolu products and new potential users. With the help of the campaign the customer wanted to make the Tolu ProNature product line familiar, communicate product features, provide inspiration for using the cleaning products and as well to do the cleaning.
It was decided to bring the Tolu ProNature test group to the heart of the campaign to sort out the experiences of enthusiastic household cleaners using the new Tolu ProNature product serie.
The testers' feedback and experiences provided an interesting content that communicated the product's features across all the media channels.
The campaign face was professional organizer Laura Holmström. Laura produced and published content on cleaning topics on her own channels where she has committed followers.
A-lehdet coordinated the test group recruitment, produced recruitment announcements and registration pages and was responsible for collecting and analysing the results of the test group.
Respondents considered the print advertorial being informative and it linked well to the brand. The ad reached a total of 330,000 pairs of eyes in the target group of daily buy-in decision-makers audience. The native article also created a positive impression and received over 18,000 unique readers and 23,106 site downloads.
Laura Holmström's posts attracted a great interest from consumers and the content was considered clear, distinctive, entertaining and fun. Laura's posts helped to strengthen consumers' perception of the product as an ecological and natural cleaning product. The content on Instagram and Facebook reached 21,900 users in full.
Working with the Tolu ProNature brand has continued from this campaign onwards in the various channels of A-lehdet.
Test group
The campaign was started by putting together a test group which was applied by 1032 enthusiastic home cleaners. The recruitment was carried out in the Kotivinkki and Meilläkotona newsletters and in the social media channels of professional organiser Laura Holmström. 150 testers were selected to use the Tolu ProNature product set. The cleaning habits and first experiences with the products were examined by an online survey.
Among other things it was found that 91% of the respondents intend to buy Tolu ProNature products in the future. 97% of the respondents said that Tolu ProNature products cleaned effectively.
92% of the respondents felt that sustainable development and ecological sustainability are important factors in making a purchase decision.
The survey material was extensively used in the design and implementation of the campaign's content and the customer received useful information on consumer cleaning attitudes and practices.
Theme sponsorship
The theme sponsorship provided Tolu ProNature continuous visibility at Meilläkotona.fi throughout the campaign from September to November. In the theme sponsoring the advertiser takes over one or more themes from the site. Consumers see the campaign with relevant editorial content when they are already searching for information on the topic. The Tolu ProNature campaign took over the Organizer theme.
Advertorials in print and online
The magazine's brought reach and achieved the campaign target group. The good results of the test group were also published in an appropriate media environment. The campaign magazines were Kotivinkki and Unelmien Talo&Koti.
The test team's experiences were also published in Meilläkotona.fi.
The article was enriched by Laura Holmström’s cleaning video, Laura also published the video in her own channels. The native article was directed to the readers from the Facebook pages of Kotivinkki and Meillä kotona and as well with the the audience guarantee of A-lehdet.
The audience guarantee will ensure at least 4,500 pairs of eyes for the native article during the campaign period. Traffic management consists of for example, activating newsletter withdrawals, smart content recommendation, inviting social media posts and dashing display advertising in connection with our top media brands. A-lehdet is responsible for the measures, scheduling of the audience guarantee and producing the materials which will bring traffic to the online article.
The campaign successfully supported the launch of the Tolu ProNature product line. According to the campaign study, the solution raised awareness of Tolu ProNature products, created a positive image and strengthened the desired brand attributes.
Respondents considered the print advertorial being informative and it linked well to the brand. The ad reached a total of 330,000 pairs of eyes in the target group of daily buy-in decision-makers audience. The native article also created a positive impression and received over 18,000 unique readers and 23,106 site downloads.
Laura Holmström's posts attracted a great interest from consumers and the content was considered clear, distinctive, entertaining and fun. Laura's posts helped to strengthen consumers' perception of the product as an ecological and natural cleaning product. The content on Instagram and Facebook reached 21,900 users in full.
Working with the Tolu ProNature brand has continued from this campaign onwards in the various channels of A-lehdet.
"A-lehdet test group campaign proposal was interesting from the start because we were bringing completely new products into the Tolu product family. The collaboration with the A-lehdet team was clear and constructive from the beginning. The results of the test group surprised us very positively and the results were also visually very clear and open. All the visual material produced was in line with the new ProNature brand look which we were very pleased with. The cooperation with Laura Holmström also was very well matched with Tolu's brand and target group.
We are very pleased with the whole campaign as we also received valuable information about the purchasing behaviour of the target group. Test results have also been used in the following Tolu ProNature campaigns conducted by A-lehdet", says Brand Manager Virva Tuononen, Henkell Finland.
Project team
A-lehdet: account manager Mervi Kankainen, planner Tiia Salomaa, journalist Viivi Mujunen, AD Jenni Jokela. Henkel Finland: Brand Manager Virva Tuononen, Junior Brand Manager Tomas Laurinus.