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Advertise on is a new active digital medium for all who care about women.
Published 22.12.2022 is a completely new digital medium where women can be anything and everything they want. This is important, because society is always trying to force women into roles that do not fit. That is why we need media where women are perfect just the way they are. The answer is

The Female self-image 2030 (Naisen omakuva 2030) study for A-lehdet discovers: less than a third of women identify with the prevailing female image, and our image of women is hopelessly outdated. Overly restrictive ideals of what being a woman is about cause many people to feel pressured and insecure. Read more »

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Videos and podcasts, discussions, test groups, live shopping, virtual clubs and courses, social media and influencers, newsletters – nearly anything through a content partnership. Feel free to inquire more about our diverse advertising solutions from the A-lehdet B2B sales team. Let’s create a new form of profitable advertising together!

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‘’s mission is to free women from shame, inadequacy and other people’s control. That way the world will become freer, more equal and happier for all genders.’

Why choose Eeva? Eeva is derived from the Hebrew words meaning life and breathing. This lends strong support to’s mission. And hey, we all have a bit of Eeva in us. To put it in a more simple way, modern human beings are the offspring of an African woman who lived around 200,000 years ago. Scientists have named her Mitochondrial Eve. That makes us all Eevas.

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