Case Linola
The campaign’s goal was to make Dr. Wolff’s flagship product Linola Protective Balm better known. The client wanted to awaken consumers’ interest in the product and encourage them to try it. Another goal was to create a more modern brand image for Linola.
The product has a wide target audience, because it relieves many forms of skin irritation caused by chafing. With this campaign the client wanted to reach the key target groups:
- the majority of the current users, i.e. persons of mature years
- younger adults who have small children or are athletic.
The Linola brand values marketing that appeals to the consumers’ emotions. Relatable stories are an effective way to convey emotions from advertisements to consumers. It seemed natural to use native advertising and influencer marketing for this campaign.
Native articles
Native articles are an excellent solution when the goal is to convey the advertiser’s message in story format. Articles are a great way to both provide information about the product and inspire the readers.
We produced a series of three native articles for Linola, which was published on Terve.fi. The articles approached the subject from different angles to ensure that all the target groups found the content relatable. All the articles provided useful and valuable content for the target audience.
The A-lehdet audience guarantee brought traffic to the native articles. The audience guarantee ensures at least 4 500 pairs of eyes for native articles during the campaign period in addition to organic traffic. Traffic management consists of e.g. activating native advertising in newsletters, smart content recommendation, social media posts and display advertising. A-lehdet is responsible for the measures and scheduling of the audience guarantee and producing the materials which will bring traffic to the native articles.
Influencer marketing
Four influencers were selected for the campaign: Anna Pastak (Mungolife), Anna Saivosalmi, Julia Thurén (Juliaihminen) and Iida Åfeldt (Iidan matkassa). The influencers reached out to a younger target audience: parents with small children and athletic adults.
Each influencer produced content for their blog on Lily.fi or Terve.fi and Instagram. In a total of six blog posts and six Instagram posts, they demonstrated the many properties of Linola Protective Balm and told how to use the product by recounting their own experiences. A Kauneus & Terveys newsletter directed traffic to this influencer content.
Advertorial in print
The advertorial published in Trendi increased the coverage of the campaign among millennials. The advertorial utilised a testimonial written by Anna Pastak, in which she talked about her positive experiences using Linola Protective Balm. Readers find a product recommendation made by a familiar face approachable and genuine.
"The collaboration with A-lehdet was flexible and smooth from the beginning. Our wishes and goals were well taken into account in this multi-channel campaign. The project progressed quickly and professionally thanks to an efficient working approach, leading to great results that serve the brand's goals. The campaign also had a positive effect on sales", says Elina Tuomaala, brand manager, Sirowa Finland.
The campaign was a success. It succeeded in increasing the target audience’s awareness of Linola Protective Balm and its purchase intent rate and established a positive brand image for Linola while reinforcing the desired brand attributes.
- Brand awareness 50% > 87%
- Spontaneous ad recall 11% > 65%
- Consideration 5% > 51%
The native articles and influencer blog posts reached more than 61 000 unique readers and gained 102 000 page views during the campaign. The campaign exceeded easily the audience-guaranteed target reader numbers for all the content produced.
A campaign study showed that the audience found the advertising informative and clear. Both native articles and blog posts had a high average reading time (2:40–3:13 minutes), which proves that the readers found the content interesting. The comments received by the influencers were very positive as well, which indicates that the campaign really resonated with their audience.