Case Into Kustannus
Vitun ruma is a book published by Into Kustannus and written by Katri Norrlin and Nelli Kenttä, and its aim is to get the readers to question the beauty ideals originating from social media and be more forgiving to themselves.
The aim of the campaign was
- for the authors to gather material for their book
- to increase people’s awareness of the book and boost its sales.
The campaign’s target group was young adult females.
As the theme was related to beauty ideals created by social media, it made sense to run the campaign on a platform where these ideals tend to come from – Instagram. Trendi’s Instagram account (@Trendimag) was a natural choice, because it provided a connection to an active and bold audience, as well as an excellent environment for interactive marketing.
The campaign consisted of two phases.
- First, before the book was published, an online survey was carried out to gain valuable information about the target group’s experiences and thoughts for the book.
- After the book had come out, the target group was engaged in a discussion about the book’s themes through interactive social media content.
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Online survey
The campaign started with an online survey, with the aim of gathering the book’s authors information for the writing process. The survey studied the recipients’ thoughts about beauty ideals and feelings of pressure when it comes to looks, and collected stories from them to be published in the book.
Respondents were directed to the survey from Instagram. The survey provided the authors with valuable information for their book, while simultaneously serving as a pre-marketing tool.
Instagram content
After the book had been published, the campaign continued on Instagram, where the target group was engaged and activated through interactive content. The content material utilised tried and tested concepts, known to interests Trendi’s Instagram community.
Bold real-life quotes from the target audience, gained through the survey, were used the feed to attract attention. The feed post’s caption activated the audience members to share their honest stories if they had ever felt pressure to look a certain way. It also doubled as a competition, and the winners received copies of the new book, Vitun ruma.
Authors Katri Norrlin and Nelli Kenttä talked about the pressure pertaining to looks with star guest Tuure Boelius on Instagram Live. The viewers were engaged in the discussion via chat.
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Instagram Stories was used to activate the audience with a bingo-style page that encouraged them to create and share their own content linked to the book’s theme. This activating bingo page was a success, and the content was so attractive that the target audience wanted to share it with their own communities. The bingo page and quotes from the book were shared 65 times by the audience members. Thanks to this earned visibility, the book became a wider social media phenomenon.
With the help of the interactive Instagram content and a right partner, Trendi, Into Kustannus was able to make Vitun ruma’s launch an engaging social media phenomenon. The collaboration increased people’s awareness of the book and inspired the target group to discuss its themes.
The campaign’s theme was well suited to Trendi’s brand, which is built on boldness. The large number of reactions from the audience shows that the theme really resonated with the target group, which was reached through Trendi’s Instagram channel.