Our cookie policy

Updated 30.10.2024
1. General
A-lehdet online services use cookies and other similar technologies to develop services, recommend content that interests users, personalise services and to target marketing and advertising. We use cookies to provide you with a better and more personalised customer experience.
Cookies allow data, such as browser ID or language selection, to be stored in a text format in user’s browser. This allows us, for example, to identify the browsers that visit our website and to distinguish them from other browsers. Cookies tell us, for example, what kind of device you use to access our online service and whether you have visited our online service before. In addition to A-lehdet, its partners place cookies on the website. Only the server that set the cookie can later read the cookie.
For the sake of clarity, the term "cookie" in this cookie policy refers to other similar storage technologies in addition to the actual cookies. Such technologies include, for example, a storage mechanism built into HTML5 that can store and read information about, for example, the user or his or her terminal device either on a session basis (session storage) or for a longer period of time (local storage), the use of tracking technologies based on network requests, and the identification of the user's terminal device using so-called fingerprinting techniques. In addition, we use shared identifiers, which are transmitted encrypted with the ad request to our partners, and which can be used to personalize the user's browser and/or identify the user, for example, to display targeted advertising.
A-lehdet online services use so-called session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies remain on the terminal device until they are separately deleted or expire. You can find more information about the cookie lifecycle in the cookie consent management tool. You can access the cookie consent management tool via the "Cookie settings" link found in the sub-navigation of the site or in the top navigation of the site under "About us".
We follow the industry's self-regulatory principles. We are committed to and comply with IAB Europe's Trasparency & Consent Framework. We use a cookie consent management tool (Consent Management Platform) with ID number 302. Through the cookie consent management tool, you can manage your choices regarding cookies, such as giving consent, not giving consent, and withdrawing your consent. Some of our partners process data collected through cookies on the basis of legitimate interest. You can object to processing based on legitimate interest in the cookie consent management tool.
2. Information collected with cookies
A-lehdet and its partners may store information on your device, such as cookies and device identifiers, and use that information for the purposes set out in the cookie consent management tool and this Cookie Policy.
Cookies are used to collect information about the use of our websites. This information includes, for example:
- Information about the device or application used, such as browser version, device type, screen size, screen resolution and operating system, IP address
- information about the use of our online services, such as page views, time and duration spent in the online services, navigation in the online services or advertising or marketing content seen
- information on websites opened through customer or marketing communications
We can identify the browser you are using through a cookie ID and recognise your browser when you return to our site. We may combine cookie ID data with data that personally identifies you, for example, when you log in to our website with your A-lehdet ID (A-tunnus) and you have given your consent to the combination of data. For more information on the processing of personal data, please see the privacy policy.
Data collected by partners can be found on the "Partners" tab of the cookie consent management tool on a partner-by-partner basis (see section "Privacy notice" under each partner).
3. Purposes of cookies
Some cookies are necessary for the website to function. They enable various functionalities, such as login, shopping cart and various site-specific settings. We also consider cookies that enable, for example, the sharing of content on social media, various content embeds, technical distribution of advertisements and content, ensuring data security, preventing misuse and correcting errors as necessary cookies. These cookies are always enabled.
A-lehdet and its partners use cookies for the following purposes in accordance with IAB Europe's self-regulatory guidelines on transparency and consent:
- Use limited data to select advertising: To select standard ads, A-lehdet and partners may use real-time information about the context in which an advertisement is displayed, including information about content and device, such as device type and features, browser information (user-agent), URL and IP address, use approximate user location information, determine how often ads are shown to the user, determine the order in which ads are displayed for the user, prevent the ad from appearing in an inappropriate editorial context (which is not safe for the brand). Partners cannot use this information to build a personalised advertising profile to select future ads. N.B. Approximate means an inaccurate location with a radius of at least 500 meters.
- Create profiles for personalised advertising: In order to create a personalised advertising profile, A-lehdet and partners may collect data about the user, such as data about the user's activity, browsing history of the sites or applications, interests, demographics or location in order to create or modify an advertising profile for targeted advertising and combine this information with other previously collected information, including across sites and data collected by applications, to create or modify an advertising profile for targeted advertising.
- Use profiles to select personalised advertising: In order to select personalised advertisements, A-lehdet and partners may select personalised advertisements based on the user's advertising profile or other historical information about the user, such as previous activity, interests, browsing history of websites or applications, location or demographic information.
- Create profiles to personalise content: In order to create a personalised content profile, A-lehdet and partners may collect data about the user, such as data about the user's activity, interests, browsing history of sites or applications, demographics or location to create or customize a content profile for personalised content and combine this data with other previously collected data, including data collected across sites and applications, to create or customize a content profile for content personalisation.
- Use profiles to select personalised content: In order to select personalised content, A-lehdet and partners may select personalised content based on the content profile or other historical information about the user, such as previous activity, interests, browsing history of sites or applications, location or demographic information.
- Measure advertising performance: To measure ad effectiveness, A-lehdet and partners may measure whether and how the advertisements were shown to the user, and whether and how the user reacted to them, generate reports on advertising and its effectiveness, compile reports on users who responded to advertising using data collected when users interacted with such advertising, compile reports for publishers on what is displayed on their sites or apps; ads, measure whether the ad is shown in an appropriate (brand-safe) editorial context, determine the percentage of the ad that has been able to be seen and the duration of this opportunity, and combine this information with other previously collected information, including data collected over sites and apps. Partners may not use data from audience panels or the like as advertising metrics without a separate legal basis for using market research to create user understanding.
- Measuring content performance: To measure content performance, partners can measure and report how content was displayed to the user, and how the user interacted with the content, create reports using directly measurable or known information about users who interacted with the content. Partners cannot measure whether and how advertisements (including native advertising) were shown to the user, whether the user interacts with them, and how to use data from audience panels or the like as advertising metrics without a separate legal basis for using market research to create user understanding.
- Understanding audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources: By using market research to build user understanding, A-lehdet and partners may use information from audience panels or the like to compile aggregated reports for advertisers or their representatives on the audiences reached by their ads, use information from audience panels or the like to compile aggregated reports for publishers on audiences for which content and/or advertisements on publishers' sites and apps were displayed or interacted with such content and/or advertisements and combine other information about the user (offline data) with online behavior data (online data) for market research purposes to create user understanding where partners have indicated that they will match and combine other information about users with online behavior data. A-lehdet and partners cannot measure the effectiveness of advertisements that were shown to a specific user or to which the user interacted, unless the supplier has a separate legal basis for measuring the effectiveness of advertising or measuring what content was shown to a particular user and how he or she reacted to it, unless the supplier has a separate legal basis for measuring the effectiveness of the content.
- Developing and improving of services: For product development purposes, A-lehdet and partners may use the data to improve their existing products with new features or to develop new products and create new mathematical models and algorithms using machine learning Based on this purpose, A-lehdet and partners cannot carry out any other data processing that is permitted for any other purpose.
- Using limited data to select content: To select content, A-lehdet and partners may use limited data, such as the website or app you visit, your approximate location, the type of device you have, or the content with which you have (or have interacted) (for example, to limit the number of times a video or article is presented to you).
The following cookies for special purposes are necessary and always in use:
- Ensuring security, preventing and detecting fraud, and fixing errors: To ensure security, prevent abuse and correct errors, A-lehdet and partners can ensure that data transfer takes place securely, detect and prevent harmful, fraudulent, erroneous or illegal activities, and ensure the proper and efficient functioning of systems and processes, including systems and processes used for permitted purposes monitoring and enhancing performance. A-lehdet and partners cannot carry out any other data processing based on this purpose that is permitted on the basis of other purposes. N.B. Information collected and used to ensure security, prevent abuse, and correct errors may include automatically transmitted device identifying features, precise location information, and information obtained by actively scanning device characteristicss to identify it.
- Delivering and presenting advertising and content: For the technical distribution of data and to respond to technical requests, A-lehdet and partners may use the user's IP address to technically transmit an advertisement via the internet, transfer the user to the advertiser's website when the user interacts with an advertisement, use the user's IP address to transmit content over the internet, transfer the user to the advertiser's website when the user interacts with the content, and use the type and features of the device data for technical distribution of advertisements or content, e.g. to distribute an ad or video file of the correct size in a format supported by the device. A-lehdet and partners cannot carry out any other data processing based on this purpose that is permitted on the basis of other purposes.
In carrying out the above-mentioned purposes, A-lehdet and its partners will use the following features:
- Matching and combining data from other data sources: A-lehdet and partners may combine your other information (offline data) with collected online behaviour data (online data) to support one or more purposes or specific purposes.
- Linking different devices: A-lehdet and partners can directly determine that two or more devices belong to the same user or household, determine on the basis of probability that two or more devices belong to the same user or household, and actively scan device characteristics for probabilistic identification if users have given partners permission to actively scan device characteristics for identification purposes.
- Identifying device based on information transmitted automatically: A-lehdet and partners can create an identifier based on data that the device automatically transmits, such as IP address or user-agent information, and use the identifier to identify the device. A-lehdet and partners cannot create an identifier of a user using information collected by actively scanning certain device characteristics, such as installed fonts and screen resolution, unless the user has expressly consented to active scanning of device characteristics for identification or re-use the identifier to identify the device.
In addition, the following special features based on your consent are available:
- Actively scan device characteristics for identification: A-lehdet and partners may create an identifier using data collected by actively scanning certain device characteristics, such as installed fonts and screen resolution, and use such identifier to re-identify the device.
Strictly necessary cookies are always enabled. Other, the so-called non-essential cookies, are set with your consent.
You can make more detailed choices in accordance with the Transparency & Consent Framework standard under the heading "Settings" of the A-lehdet cookie consent management tool under the heading "Purposes". Please note that you must give your consent to the setting of cookies ("store and/or access information on a device") if you want to allow the actual use of data, for example, to provide personalised content. Therefore, if you want content that is personalised to your interests, you must give your consent in the sections "Creating profiles to personalise content" and "Using profiles to select personalised content".
The information provided in the section "Special purposes" relates to essential cookies, which are always in use. In addition, necessary cookies enable various functionalities, such as login and various site-specific settings. Our website will not function properly without these cookies, and you cannot, for example, log in to our services or complete an online purchase. Cookie choices will also be shown to you again each time.
The information given in the section "Features" is related to the use of data, i.e. if you have, for example, made the choices described above to enable personalisation, partners who have informed that they use the feature "Connecting different devices" can connect the user's two different devices to each other for personalisation, i.e. recognize that the user is browsing the site with their mobile device and computer, for example.
If you wish, you can also make choices per partner in the “Partners” tab.
As explained in the cookie consent management tool, some of the purposes for which the data is collected with cookies are based on legitimate interest in addition to your consent. A-lehdet and its partners have assessed that the processing does not conflict with your fundamental rights or freedom, taking into account the purposes of use, the information provided and the fact that the data collected with cookies cannot, for the most part, identify you personally. You can read the assessment based on legitimate interest on the "Partners" tab of the cookie consent management tool for each partner (see section Basis for processing).
Please note that cookies or the data collected on all A-lehdet webpages are not used for all of the above-mentioned purposes. In this case, a simpler cookie consent management tool.
4. User's possibilities to influence
You have several possibilities to influence the use of cookies. Please note, however, that in many cases restricting the use of cookies reduces the quality of online services or even prevents the use of some features. Restricting the use of cookies also does not affect the amount of advertising or marketing on the sites. You'll see as much advertising as before, but it's no longer tailored to your likely interests.
Below is a more detailed description of the possibilities of influence:
- Cookie consent management tool: You can use A-lehdet cookie consent management tool to give consent to cookies, not give consent, withdraw your consent or object to certain processing based on legitimate interest. The choices are browser-specific. You can access the cookie consent management tool via the "Cookie settings" link found in the sub-navigation of the site or in the top navigation of the site under "About us".
- Blocking or clearing cookies: You can influence the processing of cookies through the cookie settings of the browser or device you are using. The cookie settings are browser-specific, so the effects of the changes are not limited to A-lehdet online services, and the desired choices must be made separately for each browser and device. Blocking cookies affects the functionality of the services, for example, you cannot log in to our services after blocking cookies. You will also be presented with the cookie consent management tool over and over again, as we cannot remember the choices you make.
The cookie consent management tool is shown to you when you visit the website for the first time and, for example, after you have cleared your browser's cookies. If A-lehdet makes changes, such as introduces a new partner, the cookie consent management tool will be shown to you again. In this case, the tool may show the choices you have previously made, i.e. you will only be asked to make a choices to the extent that you have not made a choice. However, in this context, you can also change the choices you have previously made, for example, withdraw your consent for a specific purpose or to a specific partner.
5. Third parties
In addition to A-lehdet cookies, A-lehdet online services use cookies from third parties, such as measuring service providers, advertising technology providers and social media services. Some partners process cookie IDs and related website usage data as data controllers, thus defining the purposes and means of personal data. A-lehdet aims to contractually ensure that the parties use cookies and process personal data in accordance with the data protection legislation in force at any given time. With regard to advertising, we strive to ensure that our partners are also committed to the IAB Europe Transparency &; Consent Framework to increase transparency of processing and empowerment of users.
The main partners we use and further information on how they process their data are listed in the cookie consent management tool, but below we will highlight a few examples:
• Google Analytics: In our services, we use, among others, Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., to analyse the use of our websites and to develop our websites to serve users even better. We also use Google Analytics advertising features (remarketing, similar audiences, Google Display Network impression reporting, Google Analytics demographic and interest reporting, and Google Analytics User ID identification features). Information stored in cookies used by Google's tools (e.g. pseudonymised IP addresses) is forwarded to Google servers around the world for storage. As a result, such data may be processed on servers located outside the user's country of residence. Google uses this information to evaluate the user's browsing habits and to compile summary reports on the use of the site. In addition, Google conducts surveys on the services offered in connection with the websites and produces statistics on internet usage. Google may also personalise the content of ads shown to users based on their previous browsing history. Google may also transfer data to third parties if required by law or in cases where the third party processes data on behalf of Google. You can install an add-on on your browser that prevents Google Analytics data from being stored. You can get the add-on here: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fi
- Hotjar: Hotjar's tool allows us to better understand how our services are used. With the help of the tool, we can build a so-called heatmaps that show which page elements users click, how they navigate the sites, and how far they go on average.
- Facebook: A-lehdet uses the data-driven opportunities offered by Facebook to market products and services. The Facebook pixel placed on the A-lehdet website is used to collect information about website visitors so that A-lehdet can reach these visitors again with their future Facebook advertisements. In addition to the pixel, we use the Conversions API tool, which allows us to share online and offline events, i.e. our customers' actions, directly from our server to Facebook's server. Server events can be associated with the Facebook pixel to help improve the performance and measurement of Facebook advertising campaigns. Advertising can also be targeted based on the user's customer data (such as age or place of residence). Customer data is sent to Facebook and is always processed by Facebook in hashed form to ensure user privacy. The Facebook pixel or the Conversions API tool will not be used if the user has not consented to Facebook's use of cookies, either by accepting all cookies or by specifically allowing Facebook's use of cookies. For more information, please visit the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/help/109378269482053/?helpref=uf_share
- Adobe Fonts: A-lehdet uses fonts provided by Adobe Fonts on the websites. When using our websites, the browser downloads the necessary fonts from the Adobe website. In order to provide the service, your IP address is transmitted to Adobe so that Adobe knows where the font is being delivered. The service does not store IP addresses. In addition, the Adobe Fonts service does not set or use cookies to provide fonts. The processing is based on the legitimate interest of A-lehdet to present the fonts uniformly on the websites. For more information, visit Adobe's website: Adobe Privacy Center
- Plugins: A-lehdet online services also use third-party tools or plugins. Such tools include, for example, embeds of social media or video services on websites or sharing and liking functionalities of social media. Service providers such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest may place cookies on your browser and track your interaction with embedded content as if you were directly visiting their sites. They may also collect information about users of online services, for example, to recommend content or track the number of visitors. Please read the privacy policies of each service provider separately.
6. Changes to cookie policy
We reserve the right to update our cookie policy, for example, due to the development of services or mandatory legislation. Changes and updates to the cookie policy will be announced in our services. We recommend that you review the contents of the cookie policy regularly.
The changes, published on 25.5.2018, were based on the requirements of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation. This was followed by specific refinements related to the possibilities to influence on 5.3.2019. The cookie policy was changed on 22.9.2020 when a new cookie consent management tool was introduced. The section concerning Facebook was clarified on 7.9.2021 with the introduction of the Facebook Conversions API tool. Information related to the cookie consent management tool in section 4 was specified on 22.4.2022. Information on cookieless technologies was added on 4.10.2022. The practices were changed on 8.12.2023 when A-lehdet introduced a new version of the cookie consent management tool. On 8.8.2024, information related to the use of cookies was added.